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Is There Such A Thing As A Digital Silver Bullet

There are so many ads for different digital marketing methods, all saying they are the most important. So is there a Digital Silver Bullet, where one solution is better than the other?

Michele Li-Fay

6/10/20243 min read

Casually scrolling through my Instagram feed, I'm bombarded with ads selling different digital marketing solutions. All these agencies, all of whom specialise in different areas of digital marketing, all say the same thing: that their area is the only channel that matters.

Well, they can't all be right. So then is there such a thing as Digital Silver Bullet?

Hate to break it to you, but the answer is no. There is no Digital Silver Bullet. There is no one-stop-shop solution. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Otherwise we'd have all implemented it by now.

The reality is that digital marketing solutions do not exist in isolation of each other, nor do they exist at odds with each other. Instead, they exist in harmony; different solutions bear different weights of importance depending on your business's maturity.

So that ad that is saying email marketing is the most effective method of marketing? They're not wrong. And that ad that says Google ads is the best form of marketing? They're not wrong either. The reality is it depends. Which sounds like a boring, cop-out answer. But that is the reality. They are all relevant and effective methods of digital marketing; it just depends on the context and execution.

Take email marketing as an example, as we've mentioned it already. That's a great form of marketing if you have a broad emailing list. You can send them exclusive deals to make them feel like the VIPs they are, or you can target them with specific messages depending on what categories they fall under. You can even send them emails to lure them back, such as abandoned basket emails, where they add something to their virtual basket but don't click through to checkout and purchase. However, if you've just started out, the chances are you won't have a large number of subscribers or members to even email. So you can then invest in the best email templates and programmes, but if you have nobody to email, what is the point?

Or what about PPC, like the Google ads we've mentioned? It's a great form of marketing if you have a particular message you want to project to a wide audience, such as a sale event or a big product launch. However, if you are consistently getting high traffic but low conversion, investing in more traffic via paid ads is not the solution. PPC drives traffic, which isn't your problem, so why invest money in a solution that you don't even need?

Or even social media marketing, simultaneously everybody's most and least favourite form of digital marketing. It's a fantastic way to spread brand awareness as it is at the top of the Marketing Funnel, but if you already have 10 million followers on TikTok, you've got a pretty good awareness base, so you don't need to invest in a social media strategy. Instead, you need to start converting those fans into buyers.

One thing is for sure though, all roads lead back to your website, your digital foundation. This is why, here at Mpowering Solutions, we champion SEO and SEO fundamentals, because we believe that by striving for SEO excellence, you naturally and organically create a website that is user-friendly and intuitive, and therefore a strong base for customer conversion. Your website or webshop is your potential customer's final destination, so you need to ensure you make that transition from visitor to customer as seamless and pain-free as possible. You can have the best social media strategy or the wittiest email, but if your customer cannot navigate your website, it is unlikely you will make that final sale.

So while there is no Digital Silver Bullet, a solid digital foundation is the next best thing. If you want to understand how to better your digital presence, get in touch and see how we can help you with your digital journey.

brown wheat field during daytime
brown wheat field during daytime